Journey from Law to Freedom: Introduction to Galatians


The Depth of Galatians: Unveiling the Journey from Law to Freedom

Welcome to Iglesia Cristiana Getsemani, where we explore the depths of faith and uncover the transformative power hidden within the teachings of the Bible. In this enlightening sermon series, we delve into the book of Galatians to uncover the path from legalism to true freedom.

Introduction: Understanding Galatians

Galatians, written by the apostle Paul, holds a profound message for believers seeking a deeper understanding of grace, freedom, and the true essence of faith. This powerful letter addresses a specific context in which the Galatian church was influenced by those who preached a distortion of the gospel, emphasizing adherence to the Mosaic law rather than embracing the liberating truth of Christ.

Exploring the Cultural Background

In order to fully grasp the significance of Paul's words, it is vital to explore the cultural background in which the Galatian church existed. This context provides valuable insights into the challenges faced by the early Christians and helps us apply the lessons from Galatians to our present-day lives.

The Influence of Legalism

Within the Galatian community, legalism had taken root, leading many astray from the true message of salvation by grace through faith. Paul passionately addresses this issue, emphasizing that it is not the burden of the law but the transformative power of Christ's sacrifice that brings true liberation.

The Role of Faith and Belief

Throughout Galatians, we encounter profound teachings on the role of faith and belief in the lives of believers. Paul challenges the Galatians to embrace a genuine faith, rooted in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, rather than relying on the external observance of the law.

Key Themes Explored

1. Justification by Faith Alone

One of the central themes of Galatians is the understanding that justification comes through faith alone, apart from works of the law. Paul emphasizes that it is through our faith in Christ that we are made righteous, not through the observance of religious rituals or adherence to legalistic practices.

2. Freedom in Christ

Galatians highlights the freedom that believers have in Christ. Paul urges the Galatians to stand firm in their liberty and not be burdened by the yoke of slavery to the law. Through Christ, we are set free from the demands of the law and are called to live in the fullness of God's grace.

3. Living by the Spirit

Paul encourages the Galatians, and us today, to live by the Spirit. By relying on the Holy Spirit's guidance, we can overcome the desires of the flesh and walk in alignment with God's will. This theme reminds us of the transforming power of the Holy Spirit within our lives.

The Relevance Today: Applying Galatians in our Lives

Although Galatians was written over two thousand years ago, its message remains remarkably relevant in our lives today. It speaks directly to the pressures of legalism, the need for genuine faith, and the freedom we have in Christ. As we unpack the teachings of Galatians, may our hearts be opened to a deeper understanding of God's love, grace, and the true meaning of freedom.

Join Iglesia Cristiana Getsemani on the Journey from Law to Freedom

At Iglesia Cristiana Getsemani, we invite you to embark on this transformative journey from law to freedom as we dive deep into the book of Galatians. Join us in discovering the riches of God's Word and experiencing the liberating power of a genuine faith. Together, let us break free from legalistic chains and embrace the fullness of God's grace.


  • Galatians 1:1-5: New International Version (NIV)
  • Galatians 5:1: New Living Translation (NLT)
  • Galatians 5:16-25: English Standard Version (ESV)
  • Galatians 6:7-10: The Message (MSG)


Dmitry Filatov

Insightful journey towards true freedom.